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more done in less time than ever before!

This generator is for busy professionals who want an efficient and effective way to get more done and feel more prepared to take on even more opportunities, leading straight to a brighter and better future.

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What you get

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1. what matters most

These things are first in the system for a reason: they matter most. So we start with motivation, reminders, priorities, goals, etc. (daily rotating motivational posts courtesy of @positivemindsetdaily on Instagram).

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2. First things first

Personal habit tracking is next; as we all know, we can't pour into others if our own cup is empty. Stay on top of your habits daily with this fun, visually engaging habit tracker.

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3. order of importance

The self-sorting to-do list comes next; sorts your tasks based on priority, ROI, time investment, and more to ensure you always know which tasks are TRULY most important. Stay focused and motivated with the built-in timer as well.

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4. Lifelong learner

Don't forget to always be intentionally learning. This learning tracker takes care of all your notes, keeping them organized in one place so you can always come back to them and easily share with others.

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Ready to Start generating productivity?

What People are saying

This is a great tool for anyone who spends hours on their laptop. It's allowed me to be more focused, more intentional, and able to accomplish more of my goals on a daily basis with "The Productivity Generator."

Juan Valdivia
Sales Professional

"The Productivity Generator" has immensely helped me in putting everything down visually instead of having it all just in my head; this, in turn, allows me to focus on the things that really move the needle.

Riyaadh Bhimani
High-ticket sales, M&A sales

With so many tools floating around, it's a breath of fresh air to have one that reliably hones my focus and consistently increases my daily output. No fancy gimmicks, nothing excessive. "The Productivity Generator" lives up to its name.

Joe MacCourt
M&A sales, sales trainer

"The Productivity Generator" made it easy for me to not only plan out the action steps I needed to take towards my goals, but also to rank them by their importance and urgency; I could feel that now, all my energy is focused on taking needle-moving action.

Imran Ahmed
High-ticket sales



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The Remote Sales COPY/PASTE Messaging Manual

The ALL-IN-ONE manual for remote salespeople to increase shows, closes, and conversions... all via a simple "COPY" and "PASTE." From humorous messages to serious ones (& everything in between).
  • Prospects who have CONSISTENTLY done their due diligence and homework BEFORE the call
  • Increased number of CONFIRMED calls and STOP wondering if prospects are planning to show or not
  • Decreased NO SHOWS and consistently the HIGHEST show rates on the team
  • Communication like a TRUE sales professional, and never start the interaction as the "NEEDY" one
  • An EFFECTIVE, simple, repeatable, and scalable process for messaging prospects in any situation. No need to REWRITE messaging every time you work with a new company
  • Stop GUESSING whether your messaging WORKS and just CLOSE MORE DEALS
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The Content & Branding Mini-Course for Remote Sales

EVERYTHING you need to LEVEL UP your content and personal branding as a remote salesperson to get BETTER OPPORTUNITIES.

  • 30-minute mini course
  • Digestible 2-6 minute long videos
  • What to post? Videos vs written posts? 
  • How to provide value?
  • Posting wins without being an ass?
  • What to post about?
  • Tracking & analytics
  • My personal system to create, organize, and post content

If something has been holding you back from creating content and a personal brand, and therefore BLOCKING YOU from getting higher paying gigs, reaching new heights, and truly LEVELING UP... you're missing the boat. Time to get on.

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About the Creator

Christian Jack is a sales professional who works as a contracted closer, manager, director, consultant, and coach for upward of 10 separate businesses at any given time on a long-term basis in addition to working for himself. Given the naturally somewhat hectic nature of business and sales, Christian has developed efficient and effective systems to consistently stay organized, remain focused for long periods of time, and be extremely productive on a daily basis... whilst also working for himself AND being married, spending priority time with family and friends. Visit for more.